Amy's Mission:
Championing Education, 
Inspiring Change

Amy knows that our schools are about more than just testing and scores. 

"Our students excel in choral and band achievements, athletic accomplishments, competing in CTE and JROTC events, and in reading, math, and science related competitions. 

"As a Board member, I am incredibly proud of our students and the educators and staff who teach and guide them. We are a successful school system, ever improving thanks to the highly qualified, highly skilled and accomplished people we employ. 

"The school board is here to support those professionals, not tell them how to do their jobs. I trust our teachers to teach and our administrators to lead. They are the BEST."

When asked how she supports schools, Amy says, "In many ways. As a board member I interface with elected officials at the local and state level, advocating for the maximum funding possible for our schools.  I lobby for higher pay for educators and staff, knowing that it is a disservice to our students if those who teach and assist them have to work two jobs simply to make ends meet. And I always have, and always will continue to support the arts in our schools, knowing that well rounded students make well rounded citizens.

"Last but certainly not least, I spend a great deal of time listening to both parents and  educators, knowing that we must all collaborate in order to foster the absolute best learning environment for our students.  And with voter approval I look forward to continuing this mission for the next four years!"

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