Buncombe County Schools: Together We Rise!

Buncombe County Schools' theme for the 2024-25 school year is “Together We Rise,” a perfect message to indicate both the progress we've made and the high goals we seek to reach together!

While some critics seem to feel we haven't accomplished enough, YOU be the judge!  

Below are just a few of the many programs implemented and accomplishments achieved by Buncombe County Schools' students, educators, and staff since Amy was elected to the Board of Education, despite the challenges faced during the Covid crisis.  These are just a few of such accomplishments--there are many more still to come! 

Dual Language Programs

Our dual language programs in elementary schools not only prepare students to live and work in a global society by fostering bilingualism and biliteracy, but also enhance academic achievement in ALL subjects. The students who go through these programs are simply AMAZING! 

Students and their parents can choose from full Spanish immersion programs or dual-immersion programs that offer classes in both English and Spanish, allowing the opportunity for native speakers of both languages to interact and help each other.

Either way, it is marvelous to see how quickly students become fluent in a language other than their own!



Enhanced "STEAM" Education

Through various grants and the support of community partners, Buncombe County Schools has been able to enrich Science-Technology-Engineering-Math (STEM) curriculum at all levels, K-12, through hands-on opportunities and technology. 

From Duke University's "Project Lead The Way" to the award-winning Martin L. Nesbitt, Jr. Discovery Academy, Buncombe County Students are offered innovative opportunities to learn and problem-solve with 21st century challenges in mind. 

Amy was on the team of educators and community partners who worked together to develop the Discovery Academy, where interdisciplinary learning and real-world applications abound. It's so cool that students can earn college credit and experience work-based learning as part of their personalized curriculum! 

Career Preparation 

Buncombe County Schools has come a LONG way from the days of "shop class" and "home economics!" Now known as Career and Technical Education, CTE is on the move, integrating technology and soft skills into a formula for success, with Science-Technology-Engineering-Math (STEM) embedded into each Career and Technical Education Course.

Career clusters that students are able to "test-drive" include: Agriculture/Food/Natural Resources; Architecture & Construction; the Arts, A/V & Communications; Business Management & Administration; Education & Training; Finance, Government & Public Administration; Health Science; Hospitality & Tourism; Human Services; Information Technology; Law & Public Safety; Manufacturing; Marketing; STEM; and Transportation.

Improving our Graduation Rate

While this chart only goes back to 2015, Buncombe County Schools has improved its graduation rate by 11 percentage points since Amy joined the School Board in 2012, reaching 91% and graduating 1,645 students in 2023! 

It has taken a great deal of teamwork to reach this point, and Amy has been a proud supporter of the BCS Graduation Initiative since joining the Board in 2012. She looks forward to continuing to raise the graduation rate in years to come!

Raising ACT Scores

In 2023 Buncombe County high school students taking the ACT achieved the highest scores ever: a composite score of 19.1, with a significant increase in the percentage of students meeting the UNC benchmark of 19. Congratulations to these students for improving their chances for college admission!

Outperforming the State

Buncombe County Schools students have made gains in reading and math scores across all subgroups, most often outperforming the state average. Kudos to our students, and to the teachers who contribute to their progress each and every year, whether a test year or not!

Note: the graph here is just one of many available for view on the NC DPI website... check them out at the link below! (Public schools only, not private!) NCDPI Buncombe County Schools Report Card


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