Why Amy is Passionate About Public Schools

1) Public schools attract the best teachers. Because they have more stringent educational and licensure requirements and generally earn higher salaries than their private or charter school counterparts, public school educators are more qualified, experienced, and higher performing.

2) Public schools have a greater sense of community. Most public schools have been around a long time and are the heart of their communities. They are often the hub of community events, the place where folks vote, and often they serve as the top employer in the community.

3) Public schools increase educational choice. Public schools offer a much wider array of schools, classes and curriculum than private or charter schools. Districts often have magnet or theme schools such as technology, AIG, or language immersion. Within public schools students can choose from a much larger variety of options than in private or charter schools.

4) Public schools have greater diversity. Public schools are open and welcoming to all students, making them much more diverse than private or charter schools. Learning and growing among diverse peers better prepares students for success in our increasingly diverse communities.

5) Public schools are more fiscally responsible. The financial records of public schools are open to public scrutiny, and laws require that expenses must relate to educating children. Private and charter schools are not bound by the same requirements, so financial records are less transparent and funds can be spent to enrich for-profit operators instead of educating students.

6) Public schools are more reliable. Charter and private schools are less stable than public schools and can close without notice, even in the middle of the school year, leaving families to scramble for other educational options. When a public school closes, there is ample notice to the community and provisions are made to move affected students to new schools.

7) Public schools have greater commitment to students. Public schools accept ALL students. They don't select students by limiting services (e.g. transportation, school meals) or through explicit exclusionary admissions policies.

8) Citizens have ownership of public schools. Public schools are led by elected school boards voted into office by members of the whole community. In contrast, many charter and private schools do not have elected boards. Some are led by appointed boards whose members live far from the school community.

9) Public schools provide more amenities. Special education and gifted services are often minimal or nonexistent at private or charter schools, and schools provide supplies when parents can't afford to provide them.

10) Public schools match or outperform private schools. The myth that private schools are better at educating students has been debunked by numerous studies and documented in The Public School Advantage: Why Public Schools Outperform Private Schools. Studies of voucher program effects show dramatic declines for students who use vouchers to attend private school.

(Courtesy of Public Schools First NC)

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